Over 19 thousand people applied to study at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


The system of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń recorded 19 302 applications for 6,000 places in BA studies. The most popular study was Medicine, for which almost 4 thousand people applied this year.

The second place was Law with 911 applications and Psychology with 823 applications. Future students were also very interested in: Veterinary Medicine (603), Finance and Accounting (491), English Philology (479), Pharmacy (470), Physiotherapy (461) and Management (430).

Per place, the most candidates applied for medicine – almost 20 people for one place. 11 people applied for a place in English Philology, 10 people in Psychology. Also popular were: Veterinary (8 candidates for one place), Japanese studies (7), Logistics (6), Communication and Psychology in business (6) and Computer science (5).

Higher education