Over PLN 900,000 allocated for the National Academic Representation programme at Gdansk University of Technology

fot. Politechnika Gdańska

Gdańsk University of Technology (PG) has received funding of PLN 902,000 for the National Academic Representation programme. This is the fourth programme funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. PG is the largest beneficiary of the programme among public universities apart from the Academies of Physical Education and private universities.  

Implemented by the Centre for Academic Sports, the project provides funding for additional individual and extra-curricular activities for students of the Gdańsk University of Technology who are also professional athletes with a master’s or international master’s class in Olympic sports.

Forty-one students from all eight faculties qualified for the programme. They represent 13 sports: AMP football, badminton, judo, cycling, basketball, athletics, skating, handball, rugby, fencing, triathlon, rowing and sailing.

Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-11/pg-z-dofinansowaniem-na-rozwoj-kariery-dwutorowej-studentow-sportowcow 

Higher education