Ozonator from the Silesian University of Technology to help in decontaminating medical rooms


Medics in the Śląskie Voivodeship were equipped with a specialized ozonator designed and constructed at the Silesian University of Technology. The device allows faster, more effective disinfection of rooms in medical facilities and ambulance interiors, contributing to combating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Ozonation due to the properties of the used agent allows the removal of microorganisms from selected surfaces by sterilizing them. Ozonators developed at the university are cheaper than available on the market. The production of 20 copies is planned.

– Ozonators can be used at home. Quite often people talk about the ozonation of food, clothes, rooms, outside of home, virtually everywhere, including kindergartens, nurseries, schools, hospitals, clinics – where we can deal with a virus, bacteria, mold or fungus. In these cases we can use an ozonator – says Prof. Damian Gąsiorek, vice-dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology.
More: https://www.polsl.pl/Lists/AktualnosciUczelniane/PokazWiadomosc.aspx?WebPartTitle=ListaWiadomosci&Page=1&WebPartTitle2=Wiadomosc&Filter1Field2=Identifier&Filter1Value2=3420

Medicine and biotechnology