Filip Galdyn, a PhD student at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, is conducting research that is highly relevant to the future of our planet. He focuses on understanding global processes on Earth, especially in hard-to-reach regions such as Greenland and Antarctica, where climate change has a direct impact on water availability.
Due to the difficulty of installing traditional sensors, the PhD student uses satellite data to monitor glacier melt and changes in groundwater levels. He combines data from various sources, including laser distance measurements and observations of distance changes between satellites, to create models of the Earth’s gravitational field. This allows him to determine precisely how the amount of ice and water in the areas under study is changing.
The main goal is to obtain a long-term model of the changes in the Earth’s gravitational field and then to accurately analyse and interpret the collected data. The research helps to better understand the functioning of our planet.
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/doktorant-upwr-bada-zmiany-pola-grawitacyjnego-ziemi-4265.html