PhD student of the University of Gdańsk receives a special prize at the SCRIPT PRO 2019 competition


Elżbieta Benkowska, PhD student at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Gdańsk, received the Special Award in the prestigious script competition SCRIPT PRO 2019. Reward of 10 thousand PLN was awarded to the script of the feature film “Orunia 4ever”.

SCRIPT PRO is the most important Polish competition for screenwriters beginning of their careers. The submitting writer can send at most two full-length feature films made according to his texts. The integral element of the competition is the opportunity to develop the final texts in the Wajda School under the supervision of leading Polish filmmakers, screenwriters and consultants.
The most successful scenarios include “Dancing’s Daughters”, “Gods”, “Last Family”, “Panic Attack” and “You’re God”.

Events Humanities