PKP Intercity is expanding its cooperation with higher education. The national carrier has signed an agreement with the Silesian University of Technology. This is another agreement with a scientific partner. Cooperation between the railway sector and the scientific sector is to be a driving force behind the growth of innovation in Polish railways.
The partners will develop a new educational offer that will include courses, training, dual studies, postgraduate studies and new majors and specialisations. The cooperation will create new opportunities for students to develop their professional competencies. They will be able to take advantage of a wide range of offers including internships, apprenticeships, practical classes, and study visits.
The subject of the agreement is also mutual support and constant exchange of experience for the development and research of the railway industry, among others, by carrying out joint scientific and research projects, preparing analyses and expert opinions, and organising study visits for the academic staff of the university in the organisational units of PKP Intercity.
Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/pkp-intercity-i-politechnika-slaska-nawiazuja-wspolprace/