Podlaskie HEIs to develop the best vocational education model in the region

Anna Augustynowicz UMWP

The Białystok University of Technology, the University of Białystok and the Łomża Academy are partners in a project to develop the best model of education in vocational education, higher education and adult learning. 

The project will be implemented as part of the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO) and will be coordinated by the Provincial Labour Office in Białystok.

Almost 22 million PLN will be allocated to the development of vocational education in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The funds are to be used for research, analyses and various expert opinions, so as to adapt education programmes to the requirements of employers. The schools in question are universities, vocational schools, trade schools and technical schools.

“Our specialists will analyse the voivodeship labour market, analyse the needs of our voivodeship businesses, and on the basis of this data, we will try to modify the existing study programmes, so as to adapt the new graduates to the changing working conditions”, said Professor Jarosław Szusta, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at the Białystok University of Technology.

Higher education