Polish-French Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie Scientific Prize

fot. Mishchenko/ easyfotostock /East News

The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) together with the French Academy of Sciences announced the third competition for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie Science Prize. The prize is co-financed by the FNP and the Zygmunt Zaleski Foundation.  

The prize aims to highlight the benefits of Polish-French scientific cooperation. It will be awarded for the third time to a pair of collaborating scientists from Poland and France in recognition of their joint research achievements that have contributed to enhancing scientific cooperation between the two countries.

The prize is awarded on the basis of nominations, including self-nominations. A pair of candidates can be nominated by any active representative of the Polish and French scientific community. Nominations may include researchers representing all fields of science.

Winners will each receive €15,000, including €5,000 as an individual award and €10,000 in the form of a subsidy for continuing scientific cooperation.

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