Polish ornithologists published in the specialized scientific journal Bird Study 


Amateur ornithologists from the Silesian Research Group and scientists from the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, the University of Szczecin and the University of Life Sciences in Poznań examined the autumn behavior of stork herds. Their work has been published in the English specialist scientific journal Bird Study. 

During several seasons of research, almost 5,700 storks were located in flocks of 2 to 200 birds. Birds were spotted most often in arable fields, less often in meadows, and sporadically in villages or in trees.

The research results have shown once again how important the quality of habitats is for wandering storks. Here they replenish the energy supplies necessary for their trip. These feeding grounds are important not only for the local population, but also for birds from remote areas. From there, the storks continue their migration along the eastern route, bypassing the Tatra Mountains and other higher parts of the Carpathians, passing through the Balkans and Israel, to Central Africa.

More: https://puls.edu.pl/nauka-i-badania/czas-bocianich-sejmik-w
