Polish scientists join the TOP 2% list


The list of the top 2% of cited researchers compiled by researchers from Stanford University and Elsevier has been published for the fourth time. It is prepared in two versions: for all research and for 2021.

The analysis, which was prepared for Academic Forum by Dr Krzysztof Ciepliński, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, shows that 200 196 authors whose c-index (with or without self-citation) falls within the top 100,000 or in the top 2% in one of 174 sub-disciplines were included in the list this year.

Authors with a Polish affiliation are 1 046, or 0.52%, in this year’s list (last year there were 1 027 – 0.54%, and two years ago 774 – 0.48%).

The author with the Polish affiliation with the highest two c-indexes (of 3.89 and 3.9676, respectively, giving him places of 2,200 and 1,814 respectively) is Piotr Ponikowski, rector of the University of Medical Sciences in Wrocław. His papers were cited a total of 23,200 times (19,951 not including self-citations) in 15,604 different publications in 2021, and his one-year (for 2021) Hirsch index is 55.
