Polish scientists reconstructing geological events hundreds of millions of years ago


Scientists from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and the University of Silesia studied the nature of crystalline exo- rocks in the Outer Carpathians. This will help reconstruct geological events that took place 630-540 million years ago.

Crystalline exo-rocks were subjected to comprehensive petrological and geochronological research, and the effects allowed the reconstruction of geological events that took place in the time interval 630-540 million years ago. During the first stage of the study, the team documented that the background of the Western Outer Carpathians, available to observations in the form of the exo rocks, has connectivity with the microcontinent known as Brunovistulia, which is part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.

Abundant research material, collected and analyzed thanks to the cooperation of the AGH University of Science, the University of Silesia in Katowice and Trinity College Dublin indicates that Brunovistulia was formed as a result of slow processes of continental crust growth at the current southwest edge of the Baltica in an interval of time from 630 to 540 million years ago.

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