Polish scientists to solve the climate crisis


The Scientific Council of the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Krakow called for actions based on scientific knowledge to reduce the global climate and ecological crisis and adapt to the effects of these changes.

Further neglecting the crisis and maintaining current trends in greenhouse gas emissions will result in an increase in the Earth’s average temperature by 2050 by 2-4 ° C above pre-industrial levels. Such a significant increase in temperature and further unrestrained exploitation of the Earth’s resources will have catastrophic consequences for biodiversity and civilization, as aptly summarized Robert Watson (IPBES President): “the foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life around the world will be undermined”.

The researchers expressed support for the postulates of the Youth Climate Strike of September 26, 2019, the postulates adopted by the participants of the conference ‘It started from the Tatra Mountains’ of November 23, 2019 and the initiative “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency”.
