Polish Space Agency launches pilot version of National Satellite Information System


The National Satellite Information System (NSIS) is the country’s first platform that integrates databases from monitoring services, satellite products, analytical tools and provides services and services based on satellite data. Access to the NSIS is free of charge.

“The real challenge in the development of the NSIS platform, and its greatest value, is to bring together in one place the hitherto independently operating services and products related to satellite data. These come in particular from the European Copernicus programme and from Polish institutions and entities”, said Professor Grzegorz Wrochna, President of the Polish Space Agency.  

The NSIS will support local government administration in terms of planning strategic investments or crisis management. 

It will also make it possible to monitor climate change, control the state of the environment, carry out forest and water management, plan agricultural crops and the development of tourist infrastructure or public transport.

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Technical sciences