Polish students among the best at the Spaceport America Cup


Polish students excelled in the international Spaceport America Cup competition held in the US state of New Mexico. The winners of the most technically advanced category was the RocketLab team from Poznan University of Technology. The PWr in Space team from Wrocław University of Technology also took their place on the podium.

Students from Poznań won two awards: for the best project in terms of technical excellence – Technical Excellence and in the most technically advanced category – 30K SRAD Hybrid/Liquid. 

The R5 Aurora rocket created by the PWr in Space scientific club from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology took second place in the 10k SRAD Hybrid design category.

The Spaceport America Cup competition is jointly organised by Spaceport America, a commercial spaceport built by Virgin Galactic in the US state of New Mexico, and the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association. This year, 158 teams from 24 countries participated in the event.

Read more: https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja-i-nauka/zawody-spaceport-america-cup–studenci-z-polski-w-gronie-najlepszych-zespolow
