The Poznań University of Economics (UEP) has been awarded the international Business School Impact System (BSIS IMPACT) certificate by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD Global). The certificate confirms that the Poznań University has a significant impact on the socio-economic environment and creates values of social responsibility in its immediate surroundings.
The EFMD is the largest European association dedicated to the development of management quality in academia, business, public services and consultancy. It brings together almost a thousand business schools and institutions from all over the world. Poznan University of Economics is the third university in Poland and 63rd in the world to be awarded the BSIS certificate.
The heart of BSIS is a framework of 120 indicators covering 7 dimensions, including financial, educational, economic, social, intellectual and image dimensions of impact. The value of UEP’s financial impact was estimated at nearly €278.4 million.
Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/uep-uzyskal-miedzynarodowy-certyfikat-bsis-impact/