Poznań University of Economics scientist to write on the impact of creative sectors on sustainable development


A publication of scientists from the Poznań University of Economics, „Measuring sustainable development – the creative economy perspective” is published in the International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology.

The article by Prof. Jan Fazlagic and Dr Robert Skikiewicz concern sustainable development, i.e. ensuring economic growth while maintaining social, ecological and economic balance. The authors undertook to analyze the issue of explaining the impact of creative sectors on sustainable development. They studied a population of over 80 percent municipalities, asking respondents questions about the impact of attitudes and local policies on the investment climate.

The results indicate that Polish local government officials still trust investment in hard infrastructure and attracting productive investments. The publication indicates new areas of intervention on the part of the local government in the area of creating public policies.
More: https://ue.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci,c16/aktualnosci,c15/wplyw-sektorow-kysznennych-na-zrownowazony-rozwoj,a90754.html

Modern economy