Poznan University of Technology projects awarded in the competition ‘The best of the best! 4.0. “


Four projects of students of the Poznan University of Technology received funding from the competition “The best of the best! 4.0.” as part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The funding will enable the team of University of Technology to participate in the Railway Challenge with PUTrain – the first Polish student locomotive, participation in Formula SAE-A 2019 in Australia, as well as participation in the IREC Spaceport America Cup 2020 with a hybrid fuel-powered rocket and SAE academic competition Aero Design USA East & West 2020 and AUVSI SUAS 2020.

“Best of the best! 4.0.” is a project whose goal is to support extremely gifted students in the development of their scientific activity, innovation and creativity, by supporting their participation in international competitions, competitions, conferences.

Technical sciences