Prof. Waldemar Priebe receives a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Białystok University of Technology

fot. PB

The Rector and the Senate of the Bialystok University of Technology (PB) would like to invite the public to attend a ceremonial meeting of the PB Senate on 23 November 2023, during which Prof. Waldemar Priebe will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Bialystok University of Technology.

Prof. Waldemar Priebe is a world authority in medicinal chemistry who is professionally affiliated with the Department of Experimental Medicine at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre at Texas State University, USA. 

He holds more than 70 patents and technology licences in the areas of synthetic chemistry and medicinal chemistry, and his work is a key element in the development of many drugs in the preclinical and clinical phases. 

With his involvement in the development of research projects and his support for the development of the scientific staff of the Bialystok University of Technology, he has contributed to raising the prestige of our university and its recognition in the world.

The proposal to confer the dignity of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Waldemar Prieba was put forward by the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Sciences of the PB, and the initiative was supported by the consent of the Senates of the PB, the University of Białystok, the Rzeszów University of Technology and the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.

Higher education