Professor Bilewicz of the Warsaw University to hold an open lecture on the language of contempt


Prof. Michał Bilewicz will hold a lecture “Speech of contempt. How the brutal language of the Internet has changed our thinking about strangers? ” as part of the Warsaw University program “8 lectures for the New Millennium”.

Professor Michał Bilewicz works at the University Center for Research on Prejudice. As he claims, “we have been dealing with a real epidemic of contempt speech for several years. Insulting Muslims, Jews or Ukrainians is a sad practice of everyday Polish media and the Internet. ” In his opinion, this problem has also a global dimension. Professor Bilewicz plans to show how the language of contempt changes the media recipients. During the lecture, he will try to answer whether we become less sensitive to evil around us through speech of contempt? Do we change the way how we look at strangers?

The lecture will take place on May 15 at 17.00 in the hall of the former University Library in Warsaw.

Events Higher education