Professor Shimon Redlich from Israel becomes a doctor honoris causa of the University of Rzeszów


On Monday, January 28, 2019, a solemn meeting of the Senate of the University of Rzeszów (URz) will offer the title of doctor honoris causa URz to professor Shimon Redlich.

Professor Redlich was born in 1935 in Lvov. As a child, he survived the Holocaust. He emigrated from Poland to Israel in 1950. He studied history at the Hebrew University, sovietology at Harvard University, and received his doctorate from the University of New York.

Professor Redlich lectured at the Ben-Gurion University for nearly forty years. In 2003 he retired as a professor emeritus in the field of contemporary European and contemporary Jewish history. For years, he has been actively working to improve Polish-Jewish and Ukrainian-Jewish relations.

Higher education