Project “Criminal game “Crime on the Rawa River…” co-financed by the Upper Silesian-Zagłębi Metropolis

Uniwersytet Śląski

The Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis will subsidise the University of Silesia’s project ” Criminal game “Crime on the Rawa River – help us solve a crime mystery in the centre of Katowice”. The aim of the project is to broaden secondary school students’ knowledge of criminology, criminalistics, law and psychology. 

The initiative involves playing a crime game on the Katowice campus of the University of Silesia, during which students will take on the role of detectives solving a mystery murder. In addition to the game, the project will include eight popular science lectures.

The first meeting is scheduled for 19 October, and the final – a simulated court hearing – will take place on 21 November. The project also aims to present the scientific potential of the University of Silesia, its diverse educational offer and research infrastructure, encouraging young people to study in the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis.

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