Project of students of the West Pomeranian University of Technology qualified for international competitions


The Cotton Theater, a project by Stanisław Czykowski and Korneliusz Wielechowski from the West Pomeranian University of Technology, was qualified for the finals of the Inspirelli Awards and Inspirelli Competition.

The “Cotton Theater” is inspired by the tradition of the cotton industry in Burkina Faso in Africa. The building resembles a cotton flower, and the roof over the amphitheater is designed as a membrane inserted into a metal frame. Around the audience there are educational rooms, rooms for actors, administration and technical rooms.

The Inspirelli Awards is the world’s largest student competition in the architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and interior design. It is organized in the Czech Republic with the participation of employees of the Prague University of Technology and the American Institute of Architects. Inspirelli Competition is an annual competition in which the organizers choose a topic to be developed by student teams.

Events Technical sciences