Project of the Scientific Club of Biologists from the University of Białystok won the StRuNa competition

fot. StRuNa

The Dr Włodzimierz Chętnicki Scientific Club of Biologists at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Białystok (UwB) has won an award in the national competition for young scientists StRuNa, in the most prestigious category: Project of the Year. The judges recognised the student’s active conservation project related to reducing the risk of bird collisions with glass surfaces. The initiative additionally won in the StRuNa-Eko category.

The StRuNa – Student Research Movement competition is organised by the ‘Student Assistance Fund’ Foundation under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science. 

“For the competition, we submitted activities for active bird protection. For several years, we have been carrying out systematic monitoring of the mortality of these animals due to collisions with glass surfaces on the campus of the University of Białystok. Its results have allowed us to select particularly dangerous places, and then to protect a considerable part of them”, reports Anna Winiewicz, coordinator of the Ornithological Section of the Scientific Circle of Biologists.
