Project of the Silesian University of Technology financed under the program of the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program


The project “Strategic partnership for fostering circular economy approach in extractive industry related study program”, coordinated by scientists from the Silesian University of Technology, received funding under Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education. The competition was organized by the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program.

The aim of the researchers is to develop a comprehensive training platform that will be helpful in modifying and updating educational programs related to the mining industry with the latest and practical knowledge. It will also enable closer cooperation of the Silesian University of Technology with European universities with a similar profile of education, while supporting companies using innovative process solutions.

The partners of the Silesian university are: Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria), TU Delft (Netherlands), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and the Technical University of Tallin (Estonia).

Higher education