Promotion of Polish universities in Vietnam

fot. NAWA

In the first half of November 2023, the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and seven Polish universities went on a delegation to Vietnam to promote Polish higher education and to establish and strengthen partnerships with Vietnamese universities.

The delegation included representatives from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the Kraków University of Technology, the Silesian University of Technology, the Wrocław University of Technology, the Poznań University of Economics, the University of Łódź and the Higher School of Economy in Bydgoszcz.

The series of meetings began with a visit by a delegation from NAWA, the Polish Embassy in Hanoi and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Science.

An important part of the programme implemented in Vietnam was round table meetings between Polish and Vietnamese universities, within the walls of two universities: Hanoi University and Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Polish delegation also met twice with Vietnamese graduates of Polish universities, affiliated with the Vietnam-Poland Friendship Association.

Higher education