Promotion of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the national Times Higher Education Impact Ranking

Politechnika Wrocławska

Wrocław University of Science and Technology was ranked 800-1000 in the overall Times Higher Education Impact Ranking. This year’s ranking includes 15 universities from Poland. Among them, the University of Technology took ninth place – one place higher than in 2021.

Times Higher Education Impact Ranking is an international classification of universities based on the so-called Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the United Nations. There are seventeen of them and they concern issues such as climate action, reducing inequalities, quality of education, responsible production and consumption as well as industry, innovation and infrastructure, informs the university.

Universities can select goals related to the mission and vision of their development and submit data on them for the ranking. Each unit that provides data from at least three areas and obligatory information under the name “partnerships for the goals”, will be included in the ranking prepared by the Times.


Higher education