Radom University of Technology and Humanities to attract local secondary school students

UTH Radom

The Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities (UTH) in Radom has reached an agreement with the city’s high schools. Students will benefit from the university’s laboratories and be able to listen to lectures. 

As Professor Sławomir Bukowski, rector of UTH, said in an interview, the university has a lot to offer young people, including in robotics. 

“These are all things that the world of technology and engineering is living with today, and the so-called Industry 4.0, and in a moment, it will be called 5.0. These are also modern directions in the social sciences”, said the UTH rector.

According to Ewa Kościelniak-Walewska, headmistress of the IV Tytus Chałubliński High School in Radom, such cooperation will allow students to deepen their knowledge. “We will actually be able to use the entire didactic base here, the scientific base of the university, i.e. the biological and chemical laboratories at the various departments of robotics and physics”, she adds.

The parties to the agreement have also committed themselves to joint educational projects and mutual promotion.

Higher education