Rector elect UKSW announces educational offer for Poles living abroad


-I am aware of the heritage of our University. Our efforts will cultivate this legacy, which has been developed so far by the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW), as well as by the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the Primate of the Millennium, our Patron himself – said Fr. Prof. Ryszard Czekalski, rector of the UKSW.

The development plans of UKSW in Warsaw include construction of a new campus in Dziekanów Leśny, further investments in the Collegium Medicum and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research UKSW. Fr. Prof. Ryszard Czekalski pointed out that the university could also undertake a much larger mission towards the Polish diaspora and come out with an interesting educational offer for Poles living abroad.

-We want to become a university with a wide range of educational profiles. We want and we must develop, which means that we are entering new spaces that have not functioned before – added Fr. Prof. Czekalski.

Higher education