Representatives of 20 German universities visit the University of Warsaw

M. Kaźmierczak UW

The University of Warsaw (UW) hosted a meeting between UW authorities and representatives of 20 German universities that are members of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / DAAD). 

The aim of the event was, among other things, to strengthen cooperation and discuss the possibility of creating joint projects between the UW and DAAD member universities. 

The meeting was attended by presidents, vice-presidents and chancellors of twenty German universities. Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Rector of the UW, thanked for the good cooperation with DAAD-affiliated universities.  

‘Many of our students and researchers are in German universities. I hope that this cooperation will continue in the future and will result, among other things, in joint projects by our researchers’, said Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak.

The DAAD conducts many projects with universities in Germany, while our most important foreign partner is Poland. This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our representation in Warsaw. “The aim of our visit is to get to know Polish universities better, to strengthen our cooperation and to discuss the possibility of creating joint projects”, said Dr Kai Sicks, DAAD Secretary General.

Higher education