Representatives of British universities visit the University of Warsaw

fot. Biuro Promocji UW

The University of Warsaw (UW) hosted representatives of British universities and government agencies and the British Embassy. One of the main objectives of the British delegation’s stay in Poland was to establish cooperation in teaching and research with Polish universities.

According to the UW, the meeting was attended by representatives of twelve British universities, including the University of Essex, Goldsmiths University of London and Cardiff University. The main topic of discussion was the development of scientific cooperation and an exchange programme for students and doctoral students between Polish and British universities.

“The University of Warsaw aims to create an extensive network of international partners, especially in the field of research. Poland and the UK are linked by a long tradition of cooperation in the field of education, dating back to the 1980s, and we are keen to further develop this positive relationship”, said Professor Zygmunt Lalak, the University’s Vice-Chancellor for Research.

Higher education