Researcher at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz to implement the project ‘Women in the life reform movement – spaces of emancipation’


Dr Magdalena Długosz from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz will implement the project “Women in the life reform movement – spaces of emancipation”. She has won a grant for her research in the Miniatura competition of the National Science Centre. 

The project aims to investigate the place and role of women in the life reform movement (German: Lebensreform) with a particular focus on the spaces in which they developed their emancipatory potential. It assumes to isolate from the broad spectrum of the movement’s interests those areas and issues with which women were most keenly concerned and which, at the same time, had the greatest impact in broadening their agency and opening up new avenues of self-realisation for them. 

While the project focuses on the early 20th century, it will also take into account the contemporary resonance of reformist ideas that surface time and again in different areas of life and generate interest in the arts and popular culture. The project is scheduled to run for 12 months.

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