Researcher from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań co-authored a publication in Nature

Synthes3D for SeaCleaners/ Ferrari Press/ East News

Dr Beata Messyasz, a professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan’s Faculty of Biology, is co-author of the publication ‘Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs’, which appeared in Nature. 

Water pollution by plastic particles is a big problem known from marine environments, but it also affects freshwater ecosystems.

An international group of scientists led by Prof Barbara Leoni and Dr Veronica Nava from Italy’s Milan-Bicocca University conducted scientific research into the processes and phenomena of microplastic pollution of freshwater. The project involved 79 scientists.

Water from 38 lakes located in 23 different countries, on six continents, was studied. They found that in some cases, the concentration of plastic in the lakes was higher than on plastic islands in the ocean, so-called ‘rubbish patches’. 

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