Researcher from the Technical University of Łódź joins the Leadership Academy for Poland 


Dr Grzegorz Liśkiewicz, Professor at the Technical University of Łódź (PŁ) has been accepted into the Leadership Academy for Poland, one of the best leadership development programmes run by lecturers from Harvard University.

Dr Grzegorz Liśkiewicz is Head of the Turbines and Compressors Department at the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery. In the past, he has held the position of Plenipotentiary of the Rector for Academic Entrepreneurship and member of the Board of the Technology Transfer Centre of PŁ.

The scientist works on systems to protect compressors from failure. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Physics, The Institution of Engineering and Technology. 

Leadership Academy for Poland is aimed at people actively working in the business sector, academia, non-profit organisations, public administration, media, culture and sport or in the start-up segment.

Participants develop leadership competences in the interpersonal, systemic and self-improvement areas. 
