Researcher from the University of Opole becomes a co-author of the journal Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy

Bartlomiej Magierowski/East News

A special issue of Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy has been published. One of the editors is a sociologist working at the Department of Culture and Religion at the University of Opole, Dr Michał Wanke.

The issue, titled Cannabis: Cultures and Markets, is the result of two years of work as part of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships project, DAPY (Drug Abuse Prevention for Youth). It brought together work on the cultures of cannabis users and the markets for this popular psychoactive substance, entangled in dynamic cultural, social, political and legal changes. 

11 texts (out of over 40 submitted) by authors from Latvia, Poland, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand were accepted for the edition, concerning the changes of stigmatization, normalization processes, the duration of subcultures and social worlds in the face of various changes in the law and social attitudes towards marijuana.

