Researcher from Wrocław University of Science and Technology wins French-Polish Science Prize

Politechnika Wrocławska

Dr Katarzyna Matczyszyn, Professor of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, chemistry department, has been awarded this year’s French-Polish Science Prize. This prestigious award is granted by the French Chemical Society (Société Chimique de France), reports the university.

The society’s authorities decided to award the prize to Prof. Katarzyna Matczyszyn in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the field of advanced biophotonics and the use of non-linear optics techniques to characterise materials and study singlet oxygen. The scientific collaboration that our researcher has established with chemists from France was also recognised.

The laureate works at the Institute of Advanced Materials of the Wrocław university. She is a specialist in biophotonics and non-linear optics. She studies interactions of light with materials with biological and medical applications, among others. She is also interested in advanced microscopy techniques and imaging.

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