Researcher of the Białystok University of Technology patented plant extracts to treat cancer


Dr Grażyna Łaska, the Białystok University of Technology (PB), the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences obtained four patents for the medical use of plant extracts. The plant extracts including peppered rock- shield, Jacob’s ladder or marsh angelica may treat cervical cancer, intestines, bacterial diseases, black fever and malaria. 

While an anti-cancer drug per 100 cervical cancer cells inhibits the growth of 8% of cancer cells, the mucus of peppered rock- shield extract inhibits the growth of 96% of such cells, – explains Prof. Grażyna Łaska. She adds that cytotoxic tests also confirm that the extract is not harmful to healthy cells in the body. It was the first time that doctors of the University of Mississippi encountered such a strongly positive plant extract.

This discovery is very important, it gives hope for the commercialization and implementation of natural compounds in the treatment of neoplastic diseases – emphasizes Prof. Grażyna Łaska, the Białystok University of Technology.


Medicine and biotechnology