Researcher of the University of Wrocław receives the scientific award of the Polish Association of Hispanists


Dr Agata Draus-Kłobucka, assistant professor at the Institute of Romance Studies of the Institute of Romance Philology of the University of Wrocław won the scientific award of the Polish Association of Hispanists for outstanding doctoral dissertations and outstanding Hispanic monographs.

The Polish Association of Hispanists awarded three equivalent prizes in the category “Outstanding Hispanic Monograph in 2017-2018”. The prize-winning work of the Wrocław researcher is: the monograph “Juan Ramón Jiménez: el creador sin escape: un proyecto inacabado a la luz de la teoría de la microficción” published by EdUVA, publishing house Universidad de Valladolid.

Agata Draus-Kłobucka’s book is the first book on the narrative work of Jiménez – a Spanish author honored with the Nobel Prize in Literature. This is a highly specialized study, using the current achievements of Spanish-language literature researchers, in particular the theory of micro-storytelling.
