Researchers from the Centre for Polymer and Carbonaceous Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Medical University of Silesia have developed a new drug delivery system. They reach the patient’s body by means of a controlled release in the form of a nanofibre.
Using the method of electrospinning polymer solutions. the scientists created micro and nano-fibres, from which they then formed a non-woven fabric. Ultimately, they obtained a sheet which, when observed with the naked eye, resembles a sheet of paper or canvas. However, it is made up of such small components that it is only with the aid of an electron microscope that it is possible to view its structure.
Thanks to the innovative solution, it is possible to control the time of release of the substance after administration of the medicine and to ensure that the medicine only reaches the diseased tissues. As a result, the medication ‘bypasses’ other areas of the body, focusing only on the problem. It is not yet known when nanofibre drug administration will come into wider use.
Read more: https://pan.pl/blog/naukowcy-z-cmpw-pan-opracowali-leki-z-nanowlokniny/