Two researchers from the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Wroclaw are awarded in the second part of the National Science Center competition – SONATINA.
Dr Joanna Hołówka’s project “The role of mIHF protein in the organization of Mycobacterium chromosome and its impact on gene expression” was subsidized with PLN 819,795, and Dr. Agnieszka Strzałka received PLN 926,100 for the project “The role of interaction between HupA and HupS proteins during growth and response to stress Streptomyces bacteria”.
The SONATINA competition can be attended by people who obtained a PhD degree not earlier than three years ago. In the current competition, 154 applications were received, of which 45 were accepted, and their authors will receive more than PLN 30 million for their projects. The grant enables employing a researcher in a research unit, project implementation and internship at a foreign university lasting from 3 to 6 months.