Science picnics “Zamość Academy for Science”

Akademia Zamojska

On 13 August in Opole Lubelskie and 20 August in Zamość, the first picnics in the series “Zamosc Academy for Science” took place. Every week until 8 October, science picnics will take place in several towns and cities in the Lublin voivodeship. The events are organised by the Zamojska Academy and representatives of the Laboratories of the Future, the Copernicus Science Centre and the Central Office of Weights and Measures.

The academy and its partners have prepared a programme full of experiments, games, fun and demonstrations. One of the attractions of the picnics will be a demonstration of a humanoid robot. In turn, enthusiasts of new technologies will be able to get to know machines and equipment from the modern laboratories and workshops of the Zamojska Academy. First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation classes are also planned for enthusiasts.

Physical and chemical experiments will also be an attraction. History lovers will be interested in historical fashion shows. The events will also include games in the fields of finance and accounting, as well as language, art and games developing logical thinking.
