Dr Maksym Figat from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) has won the top prize in the ABB Prize Competition. He was awarded for his dissertation ‘Automatic generation of robotic system controllers based on a specification’.
The ABB Prize Competition recognises master’s, engineering and doctoral theses, written in Polish or English, on industrial applications of automation, electronics, control systems, information and autonomous technologies and systems, or data analytics and analysis.
My thesis supervisor, Prof. Cezary Zieliński, set me the demanding task of developing a methodology for designing robotic systems without specifying a class of system types and the activities to be performed,” says the competition winner. “I had to learn about different robotic architectures, currently used design patterns and find common points. As a result, I developed a universal methodology for designing robotic systems, based on an ontology that our research team has been developing for many years”, said Dr Eng. Figat.