Scientists from Poland, Denmark and Germany to discuss the impact of wetlands on the ecosystem in the research


Researchers from Poland, Denmark and Germany estimated the costs and effectiveness of restoring riverine swamp zones on the example of the Narew River. In their opinion, wetlands can positively affect the ecosystem of not only Polish rivers, but also the Baltic Sea, and at the same time they can serve recreation. Scientists have published the results of their work in the monthly ‘Water’.

The publication was created in cooperation with scientists from the University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, University of Aarhus, Berlin Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries and the University of Christian-Albrecht in Kiel and is the result of research conducted as part of the CLEARANCE project.

In the article, researchers analyzed the costs of creating marsh buffer zones on a fragment of the Narew basin with an area equal to 5% of Poland’s area and compares them to expenses incurred for individual activities financed from European Union funds, e.g. for road construction. The costs of restoring wetlands seem insignificant.

Research and development