Scientists from the Nicolaus Copernicus University working on increasing the possibilities of satellite optical communication

Bridgeman Images/East News

Scientists from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń are developing technology to increase the possibilities of satellite optical communication. The research is carried out under the program of the European Space Agency ScyLight.

The project “CCSDS Standardized Ranging for Optical Communication Terminals” aims to create an optical system that will allow the demonstration of the precise determination of the distance between a satellite and a ground station, using for this purpose an already existing optical communication channel. Typical distance at zenith between a low orbit satellite and the earth station is 300–1000 km. The average error of the distance measurement will be no more than 3 cm.

The university in Toruń is the main contractor of the project. The subcontractors include SYDERAL Polska from Gdańsk dealing with the development of electronics, and Work Microwave from Germany that is the end user of the developed technology.




Innovations Technical sciences