Scientists of the AGH University of Science and Technology construct innovative orchestron


Researchers from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków constructed a special orchestron space intended for the Krakow Opera with adjustable geometry of the walls. It will ensure better audibility of music in the hall, increase the comfort of musicians and expand the possibilities of artistic expression.

The orchestra was divided into sections about 120 cm wide. Each section was covered with reflective panels, mounted in the form of horizontal blinds. The distances between the panels and their angle of inclination are adjustable. The application of the invention is a particularly valuable achievement due to the possibility of changing the quality of music reception through natural sound reflection without involving electroacoustic support.

Researchers from AGH worked under the leadership of Dr Eng. Tadeusz Kamisiński from the Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics.



foto: Tadeusz Kamisiński
