Scientists of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University published a monograph on cyberpandemic


Prof. Grażyna Szpor and Dr Eng. Agnieszka Gryszczyńska from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw have published a monograph “Internet. Cyberpandemia. Cyberpandemic”.

The publication consists of 45 analyzes of eminent experts, theorists and practitioners who deal with cybersecurity problems in the international and military dimension, in the public and private sectors, in medicine, as well as cybersecurity education and innovation during a pandemic.

The term “cyberpandemic” describes the similarities between cyber-attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic, the destructive effects of their global, rapid spreading, which are destructive to people and the economy, – explains Prof. Grażyna Szpor from the UKSW.

The monograph is the result of the scientific conference “Internet Security” organized by UKSW in October last year.

Technical sciences