Scientists of the Silesian University of Technology receive the Bekker’s scholarships


Scientists of the Silesian University of Technology – Dr Eng. Dawid Janas, Dr Eng. Andrzej Katunin and Dr Eng. Michał Niezabitowski won  the Bekker’s scholarships organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

Dr Eng. Dawid Janas (Department of Organic, Bioorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology) will go to Kyushu University (Japan) to implement the project entitled “Investigation of desired imperfections in carbon nanotube structure for photonic applications.”

Dr Eng. Andrzej Katunin (Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design) will spend six months in Portugal at the University of Lisbon implementing the project “Development and validation of advanced processing methods to increase the detection of damage in structures using shearography.”

Dr Eng. Michał Niezabitowski (Department of Automatic Control and Robotics) will implement his project on “Bohl exponents of discrete-time linear systems” in Germany at the Technische Universität Dresden.



Higher education