Scientists of the University of Silesia together with the company IBI Verde developed a new pluviometer


Scientists of the University of Silesia together with employees of the IBI Verde Ltd developed a new pluviometer – a device for measuring daily sums of atmospheric precipitation. Their invention is already patented.

The device records the change in the weight of rainfall, snow, hail, dew, and even fog using the so-called a strain gauge bridge that transmits a measurement signal to the data acquisition and processing module. Therefore, the actual duration of atmospheric precipitation and changes in the weight of the collector system is recorded.

The patented pluviometer allows to obtain an accurate weight measurement in a wide range of rainfall intensity and wind speed and it is characterized by an aerodynamic shape and an economical measuring system. It has a shape compatible with the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization, so the wind field around the collector bowl is not significantly distorted.

Higher education Innovations