Sensor network to investigate air quality at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology’s campus


Wrocław University of Science and Technology has launched a network of sensors for the assessment of air quality on its campus. Not only employees and students but also residents of Wrocław can use the information gathered. This is the only installation of this type in Poland.

The network launched by scientists now consists of eighteen sensors, and ultimately will consist of twenty pieces. They were arranged on the campus at Grunwaldzki Square, as well as on the campus at Długa, at Prus, in Geocentrum at Na Grobli streets and on the housing estate at Wittig street.

The main task of the installation is to measure concentrations and analyze pollutants responsible for the so-called smog on the campus, but also the it is to develop sensors that reliably determine air quality. The tests are to check also the impact of building, strength and direction of the wind and urban plants on the quality of air.

Higher education