Silesian scholar awarded in the Science Popularizer competition


Dr Jerzy Jarosz, University of Silesia (UŚ)- the Institute of Physics received the main prize in the prestigious Science Popularizer competition. The Silesian Science Festival Katowice was awarded in the Team category.

Dr Jerzy Jarosz, University of Silesia is the originator and long-term coordinator of the Children’s University of Silesia and from the very beginning he has developed the idea of ​​the Silesian Science Festival. He is an author of many works in the physics didactics and didactic experiment and a chairman of the Polish Club of Physics Demonstrators.

The Silesian Science Festival is, in the opinion of the competition jury, one of the largest popular science events in Poland and Europe. Its organizers include universities in Katowice: the University of Silesia, the Silesian University of Technology, the Medical University of Silesia, the Academy of Physical Education, the Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Economics, and the University of Humanities and Life Sciences in Częstochowa and the Częstochowa University of Technology.
