Silesian University of Technology researcher receives the Scientist of the Future 2023 Honorary Award 

fot. Politechnika Śląska

Dr Aleksandra Kuzior, Professor of the Silesian University of Technology, Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Development of the Faculty of Organisation and Management, has been awarded the Honorary Prize Scientist of the Future 2023. She was awarded for outstanding scientific and teaching achievements, implementation of scientific and research projects and internationalisation of Polish science.

For many years, the laureate has been implementing scientific and research projects that have had a significant impact on the development of Polish science and, thanks to international cooperation, also world science. In particular, she deals with issues of sustainable development, open innovation, artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies.

She is the author of Cognitive technologies, a unique course of study at the European level. She skillfully combines technical issues with a broad ecological, social and humanistic context. For her work she has received, among others, the First Degree Award of the Minister of Education and Science, the Zabrze Athena, the Black Diamond, the Silesian Science Award and the Medal of the Polish Chamber of Ecology.

